元々日本に直輸入ができたBlackBerry Passportが、いきなり直輸入できなくなった件をAmazon.comに問い合わせてみました。
I checked the item on our website and verified it can’t be shipped to JAPAN. Warranty and legal restrictions limit the delivery destinations for some products.
Please understand that this policy is based on warranty issues, manufacturer restrictions, and Federal law, and as such, cannot be amended at the discretion of our Customer Service department.
ただ米Amazon.comで販売するNexus 9など国外へ発送できる出品もあるので、恐らくBlackBerry側での問題なのではないかと推測します。
どちらにしろ人為的なシステム設定ミスではないということが判明したので、今後Amazon.comにおけるBlackBerry Passportの国外配送が解除される可能性はかなり低くなったと言えます。
However, we can ship all the items to freight forwarders who are located within the continental United States. From them you can forward items to your country with additional shipping cost.
[amazonjs asin=”B00NSRC4Y2″ locale=”UK” title=”BlackBerry Passport SIM-Free Smartphone”]